Territory / Experience

On the shores of Lake Iseo, a romantic setting for your holidays

The Lago d’Iseo belongs to the group of large lakes of glacial origin and is formed by the Oglio river that originates at the Gavia Pass, runs through the Camonica Valley, enters the lake in the municipality of Costa Volpino and emerges between Paratico and Sarnico.
It is the fourth largest lake in Lombardy and the sixth in Italy, it is located at 185 m. in height and its surface is 61 sq. km. The maximum width is 2.4 km and the perimeter about 65 km. The lake records the maximum depth of 256 m. between Siviano (Monte Isola) and Tavernola.

10 things not to be missed

10 things to do

In the vicinity of our hotel you can find numerous parks suitable for everyone … that fun is with you!

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